There's only one week left until the highly-anticipated wedding of Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton and, for those that have a royal crush, there might still be a shred of hope to cosy up to the duo.
The night before the nuptials, 28 April, may be the one and only time to get into bed with the future king and queen.
Guests of the budget hotel firm Premier Inn can request special sheets with the images of Kate and Will printed on them, says Metro.
"Special new 'royal wedding bedding' allows couples to get beneath the sheets and treat themselves like royalty. The life-size images printed on the bedding feature the now-famous blue Issa dress Kate wore on the day the couple announced their engagement last November. Chances are Kate will not be requesting her bed be made up in such a way when enjoying her last night of single life at the more up-market Goring Hotel in Belgravia. But guests staying at Premier Inn hotels across the capital can ask for the royal-lovers covers on the night of 28 April - should they really want to wake up looking like the elite."
Despite the royal wedding craze, a survey reveals most women would rather not be the future princess, says the love and relationship website Your Tango.
"From a young age, fairy tales and animated Disney movies have trained little girls that being a princess is the key to happiness. So, naturally, one would expect that Kate Middleton would be the source of jealousy among women across the globe. Not so, according to a poll by YouGov (via Yahoo.com). The survey indicated that despite Kate's wealth, good looks, and imminent royal wedding on April 29, a whopping 86 per cent of British women do not envy Kate in the slightest. Most women wouldn't want to trade places with the future princess because they fear she won't be able to retain a normal lifestyle."
Not surprising perhaps, considering the press speculate about even the most private of matters.

Prince William took Kate on a special visit to his mother's burial site, says the Daily Mail.
"Prince William has taken Kate Middleton on an emotional visit to his mother's grave just days before the couple is married. The prince held hands with his fiancee as they walked slowly to the island where Princess Diana was laid to rest. The couple was sombre as they laid flowers at the island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire. It is understood that the prince wanted to share his big day with his late mother as he knew how much it would have meant to her."

While the couple paid their respects, the bride-to-be's parents were in Windsor to meet the Queen for the first time, says the Australian.
"When it first emerged in January that the Queen had not met Mrs Middleton and did not intend to do so before the wedding, the seeming snub was taken as symptomatic of the apparent lack of welcome extended by the Royal Family to outsiders joining them by marriage. The lunch went some way to correct that impression. The meeting did not come a moment too soon. Even though Prince William has been dating Miss Middleton for more than eight years, it was the first time that her parents had met the Queen. Mike and Carole Middleton drove to Windsor Castle, where, for an hour and a half, they enjoyed what was described as a 'very convivial' lunch with the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh."
Well, it must have been a lovely lunch because the wedding is still on. Isn't it?
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